
‘Meet in Ireland’ is the message at The Meetings Show in London

PIC SHOWS: Tourism businesses from Ireland at The Meetings Show in London, with Simon Gidman (front, left), Natasha Johnston (back, left), Steven Bradley (back, second left), David Boyce (back, right) and David Wood (back row, ninth right), all Tourism Ireland.

~ Tourism Ireland and partners promote Ireland for corporate meetings and incentive travel ~

‘Meet in Ireland’ – that’s the message at The Meetings Show in London this week. Tourism Ireland – together with Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland, as part of the ‘Meet in Ireland’ team – is attending the event, together with 25 tourism companies from Ireland.

The Meetings Show is a leading exhibition for Business Events i.e., corporate meetings, events and the incentive travel industry. The tourism companies from Ireland – all specialists in Business Events – are engaging in around 750 commercial meetings with global meeting and event planners during the two-day event, which will, in turn, deliver Business Events for Ireland from around the world. Tourism Ireland’s goal is to enable thousands of commercial Business Events meetings this year – connecting our tourism partners from Ireland with overseas buyers to grow Business Events and support businesses across the island.

Tourism Ireland’s message is that Ireland offers a winning combination of world-class infrastructure, unique and luxurious accommodation, state-of-the-art venues, spectacular landscapes and the warmest of welcomes and fantastic hospitality, making it an ideal destination for meetings, incentive travel and events of all sizes.

David Boyce, Tourism Ireland’s Head of Business Events, said: “The Meetings Show provides an important platform for us to promote Ireland as a premier destination for Business Events and we are delighted to have 25 tourism companies from Ireland with us at this event. They’re engaging in hundreds of commercial meetings and showcasing the best of Ireland to influential international meeting and incentive travel planners.

“Business travel is high value and often midweek and off season by its nature, thereby aligning with Tourism Ireland’s strategy to grow overseas tourism revenue outside of the peak summer season.”

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