
A day in the life of Ruth Murphy, Director of Elevate Marketing

Recently, Go Wild got to sit down with the entrepreneurial dynamo Ruth Murphy at Elevate Marketing to find out what inspires her and drives her everyday in her entrepreneurial journey


My name is Ruth Murphy, Director of Elevate Marketing. With over 15 years in the industry, we specialise in website creation, ad campaigns, and social media management. We pride ourselves on a creative, practical approach, handling everything from out-of-home advertising to social media management and paid advertising. We also offer consultancy services, supporting small businesses or managing outsourced marketing departments. Collaborating with a fantastic in-house team and amazing clients has allowed us to consistently deliver innovative and impactful marketing solutions.

  1. How does your normal day begin? 

 My day starts by checking clients’ socials, comments, DMs, and reviews, and catching up on emails. After a short commute, I touch base with the team for a quick catch-up and debrief before diving into my to-do list for the day. 

  1. What are your biggest daily challenges?

With numerous tasks on your plate, prioritising and managing your time effectively can be a constant struggle. This includes balancing client work, business development, administrative tasks, and personal commitments.

  1. What do you love most about your job? 

Building strong relationships with clients and collaborating with them to achieve their goals can be incredibly fulfilling. The trust and camaraderie that develop over time can turn clients into long-term partners and friends.

  1. What do you do to relax?

As a proud Cork woman, I love weekends at home.  Horseracing and bloodstock are also something I am very passionate about and can regularly be found at a racecourse or point-to-point somewhere. Other than that, I love catching up with friends and relaxing with a good book.

  1. Favourite staycation destination in Ireland? 

My favourite staycation destination would have to be Inishbofin, which is small island off the coast of Connemara. It has amazing views and the locals are so friendly. Despite it being a four-hour drive from Kildare! Definitely one for the to do list if you haven’t been.

  1. Favourite holiday destination worldwide? 

My favourite place outside of Ireland would have to be France. I love the culture, way of life and the language.

  1. Favourite Business motto? 

KISS – Keep it Simple Stupid. KISS emphasizes keeping things as simple as possible. It’s a reminder that complexity isn’t always necessary and that simplicity often leads to the best outcomes, especially in marketing!


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